Jody Grind from the recording of Vivian Buczek´s record ”Roots” during spring 2021.
Vivian Buczek vocals, Seamus Blake saxophon, Martin Sjöstedt piano, Jesper Bodilsen bass & Morten Lund drums.
En Vinterdag with Scandinavian Jazz Orchestra and vocalist Isabella Lundgren. Recorded at Ystad Theatre during Ystad Jazz Festival 2021.
The orchestra is led by Emil Fredberg and Jesse Emoth.
Take The A-train recorded live at ”Portalen”, outside Copenhagen on the 1:st of february 2020.
Zier Romme Larsen piano, Ida Hvid bass & Cornelia Nilsson drums.
Schackmates at “La Fontaine” in Copenhagen the 9 of april 2011. The melody is Suomalainen Sisu and is written by Mårten and dedicated to our nordic neighbour Finland and its people.
Except Mårten you will hear Jesper Løvdal saxophone, Martin Schack Hammondorgan och Karsten Bagge drums.
Filmed by Karolina Zapolska
Here I play solo with Danish Radio Big Band where I sometimes sub. This is a composition by the very talented arranger/composer/big band-leader Kathrine Windfeld.
This is from 2017